Every child we work with has a unique and complex set of needs but over time we’ve developed the Poverty Child toolkit to working with street and slum connected children.
Street life is cruel
No child should have to live on the street. Help us do something about it.
Poverty Child is a charity dedicated to improving life for street and slum connected children. Our mission is to empower them to achieve their true potential. Help us.
Our work with street children
Child specialists go out to connect with and offer their support to street children
Our latest articles
Every now and then we publish articles on the issues we’re thinking about and working on. Here’s some of the latest pieces we’ve published.

The aims of organisations like UNICEF when advocating for child poverty Raising awareness of child poverty within specific countries requires reaching out to members of the political sphere, the general…

Issues arising when regional crises threaten childcare provision
A recent UNICEF report explores what happens to children and families when a humanitarian crisis strikes their community leaving them without access to good quality, affordable childcare services. The number…

Understanding the aims and mission of battling child poverty
What organisations like Poverty Child aim to achieve Alongside supporting grass roots initiatives and fundraising, organisations like Poverty Child aim to promote a clearer understanding and awareness of child poverty…